opentelemetry.sdk.error_handler package

Global Error Handler

This module provides a global error handler and an interface that allows error handlers to be registered with the global error handler via entry points. A default error handler is also provided.

To use this feature, users can create an error handler that is registered using the opentelemetry_error_handler entry point. A class is to be registered in this entry point, this class must inherit from the opentelemetry.sdk.error_handler.ErrorHandler class and implement the corresponding handle method. This method will receive the exception object that is to be handled. The error handler class should also inherit from the exception classes it wants to handle. For example, this would be an error handler that handles ZeroDivisionError:

from opentelemetry.sdk.error_handler import ErrorHandler
from logging import getLogger

logger = getLogger(__name__)

class ErrorHandler0(ErrorHandler, ZeroDivisionError):

    def _handle(self, error: Exception, *args, **kwargs):

        logger.exception("ErrorHandler0 handling a ZeroDivisionError")

To use the global error handler, just instantiate it as a context manager where you want exceptions to be handled:

from opentelemetry.sdk.error_handler import GlobalErrorHandler

with GlobalErrorHandler():
    1 / 0

If the class of the exception raised in the scope of the GlobalErrorHandler object is not parent of any registered error handler, then the default error handler will handle the exception. This default error handler will only log the exception to standard logging, the exception won’t be raised any further.

class opentelemetry.sdk.error_handler.ErrorHandler[source]

Bases: abc.ABC

class opentelemetry.sdk.error_handler.DefaultErrorHandler[source]

Bases: opentelemetry.sdk.error_handler.ErrorHandler

Default error handler

This error handler just logs the exception using standard logging.

class opentelemetry.sdk.error_handler.GlobalErrorHandler[source]

Bases: object

Global error handler

This is a singleton class that can be instantiated anywhere to get the global error handler. This object provides a handle method that receives an exception object that will be handled by the registered error handlers.