Source code for opentelemetry.instrumentation.botocore

# Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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Instrument `Botocore`_ to trace service requests.

There are two options for instrumenting code. The first option is to use the
``opentelemetry-instrument`` executable which will automatically
instrument your Botocore client. The second is to programmatically enable
instrumentation via the following code:

.. _Botocore:


.. code:: python

    from opentelemetry import trace
    from opentelemetry.instrumentation.botocore import BotocoreInstrumentor
    from opentelemetry.sdk.trace import TracerProvider
    import botocore


    # Instrument Botocore

    # This will create a span with Botocore-specific attributes
    session = botocore.session.get_session()
        access_key="access-key", secret_key="secret-key"
    ec2 = self.session.create_client("ec2", region_name="us-west-2")


import logging

from botocore.client import BaseClient
from wrapt import ObjectProxy, wrap_function_wrapper

from opentelemetry.instrumentation.botocore.version import __version__
from opentelemetry.instrumentation.instrumentor import BaseInstrumentor
from opentelemetry.sdk.trace import Resource
from opentelemetry.trace import SpanKind, get_tracer

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class BotocoreInstrumentor(BaseInstrumentor): """A instrumentor for Botocore See `BaseInstrumentor` """ def _instrument(self, **kwargs): # FIXME should the tracer provider be accessed via Configuration # instead? # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init self._tracer = get_tracer( __name__, __version__, kwargs.get("tracer_provider") ) wrap_function_wrapper( "botocore.client", "BaseClient._make_api_call", self._patched_api_call, ) def _uninstrument(self, **kwargs): unwrap(BaseClient, "_make_api_call") def _patched_api_call(self, original_func, instance, args, kwargs): endpoint_name = deep_getattr(instance, "_endpoint._endpoint_prefix") with self._tracer.start_as_current_span( "{}.command".format(endpoint_name), kind=SpanKind.CONSUMER, ) as span: operation = None if args and span.is_recording(): operation = args[0] span.resource = Resource( attributes={ "endpoint": endpoint_name, "operation": operation.lower(), } ) else: span.resource = Resource( attributes={"endpoint": endpoint_name} ) add_span_arg_tags( span, endpoint_name, args, ("action", "params", "path", "verb"), {"params", "path", "verb"}, ) if span.is_recording(): region_name = deep_getattr(instance, "meta.region_name") meta = { "aws.agent": "botocore", "aws.operation": operation, "aws.region": region_name, } for key, value in meta.items(): span.set_attribute(key, value) result = original_func(*args, **kwargs) if span.is_recording(): span.set_attribute( "http.status_code", result["ResponseMetadata"]["HTTPStatusCode"], ) span.set_attribute( "retry_attempts", result["ResponseMetadata"]["RetryAttempts"], ) return result
[docs]def unwrap(obj, attr): function = getattr(obj, attr, None) if ( function and isinstance(function, ObjectProxy) and hasattr(function, "__wrapped__") ): setattr(obj, attr, function.__wrapped__)
[docs]def add_span_arg_tags(span, endpoint_name, args, args_names, args_traced): def truncate_arg_value(value, max_len=1024): """Truncate values which are bytes and greater than `max_len`. Useful for parameters like "Body" in `put_object` operations. """ if isinstance(value, bytes) and len(value) > max_len: return b"..." return value def flatten_dict(dict_, sep=".", prefix=""): """ Returns a normalized dict of depth 1 with keys in order of embedding """ # adapted from return ( { prefix + sep + k if prefix else k: v for kk, vv in dict_.items() for k, v in flatten_dict(vv, sep, kk).items() } if isinstance(dict_, dict) else {prefix: dict_} ) if not span.is_recording(): return if endpoint_name not in {"kms", "sts"}: tags = dict( (name, value) for (name, value) in zip(args_names, args) if name in args_traced ) tags = flatten_dict(tags) for key, value in { k: truncate_arg_value(v) for k, v in tags.items() if k not in {"s3": ["params.Body"]}.get(endpoint_name, []) }.items(): span.set_attribute(key, value)
[docs]def deep_getattr(obj, attr_string, default=None): """ Returns the attribute of ``obj`` at the dotted path given by ``attr_string``, if no such attribute is reachable, returns ``default``. >>> deep_getattr(cass, "cluster") <cassandra.cluster.Cluster object at 0xa20c350 >>> deep_getattr(cass, "cluster.metadata.partitioner") u"org.apache.cassandra.dht.Murmur3Partitioner" >>> deep_getattr(cass, "i.dont.exist", default="default") "default" """ attrs = attr_string.split(".") for attr in attrs: try: obj = getattr(obj, attr) except AttributeError: return default return obj