Source code for opentelemetry.exporter.datadog.exporter

# Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import logging
import os
from urllib.parse import urlparse

from ddtrace.ext import SpanTypes as DatadogSpanTypes
from ddtrace.internal.writer import AgentWriter
from ddtrace.span import Span as DatadogSpan

import opentelemetry.trace as trace_api
from opentelemetry.sdk.trace import sampling
from opentelemetry.sdk.trace.export import SpanExporter, SpanExportResult

# pylint:disable=relative-beyond-top-level
from .constants import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

DEFAULT_AGENT_URL = "http://localhost:8126"
    "opentelemetry.instrumentation.aiohttp-client": DatadogSpanTypes.HTTP,
    "opentelemetry.instrumentation.asgi": DatadogSpanTypes.WEB,
    "opentelemetry.instrumentation.dbapi": DatadogSpanTypes.SQL,
    "opentelemetry.instrumentation.django": DatadogSpanTypes.WEB,
    "opentelemetry.instrumentation.flask": DatadogSpanTypes.WEB,
    "opentelemetry.instrumentation.grpc": DatadogSpanTypes.GRPC,
    "opentelemetry.instrumentation.jinja2": DatadogSpanTypes.TEMPLATE,
    "opentelemetry.instrumentation.mysql": DatadogSpanTypes.SQL,
    "opentelemetry.instrumentation.psycopg2": DatadogSpanTypes.SQL,
    "opentelemetry.instrumentation.pymemcache": DatadogSpanTypes.CACHE,
    "opentelemetry.instrumentation.pymongo": DatadogSpanTypes.MONGODB,
    "opentelemetry.instrumentation.pymysql": DatadogSpanTypes.SQL,
    "opentelemetry.instrumentation.redis": DatadogSpanTypes.REDIS,
    "opentelemetry.instrumentation.requests": DatadogSpanTypes.HTTP,
    "opentelemetry.instrumentation.sqlalchemy": DatadogSpanTypes.SQL,
    "opentelemetry.instrumentation.wsgi": DatadogSpanTypes.WEB,

[docs]class DatadogSpanExporter(SpanExporter): """Datadog span exporter for OpenTelemetry. Args: agent_url: The url of the Datadog Agent or use ``DD_TRACE_AGENT_URL`` environment variable service: The service name to be used for the application or use ``DD_SERVICE`` environment variable env: Set the application’s environment or use ``DD_ENV`` environment variable version: Set the application’s version or use ``DD_VERSION`` environment variable tags: A list of default tags to be added to every span or use ``DD_TAGS`` environment variable """ def __init__( self, agent_url=None, service=None, env=None, version=None, tags=None ): self.agent_url = ( agent_url if agent_url else os.environ.get("DD_TRACE_AGENT_URL", DEFAULT_AGENT_URL) ) self.service = service or os.environ.get("DD_SERVICE") self.env = env or os.environ.get("DD_ENV") self.version = version or os.environ.get("DD_VERSION") self.tags = _parse_tags_str(tags or os.environ.get("DD_TAGS")) self._agent_writer = None @property def agent_writer(self): if self._agent_writer is None: url_parsed = urlparse(self.agent_url) if url_parsed.scheme in ("http", "https"): self._agent_writer = AgentWriter( hostname=url_parsed.hostname, port=url_parsed.port, https=url_parsed.scheme == "https", ) elif url_parsed.scheme == "unix": self._agent_writer = AgentWriter(uds_path=url_parsed.path) else: raise ValueError( "Unknown scheme `%s` for agent URL" % url_parsed.scheme ) return self._agent_writer
[docs] def export(self, spans): datadog_spans = self._translate_to_datadog(spans) self.agent_writer.write(spans=datadog_spans) return SpanExportResult.SUCCESS
[docs] def shutdown(self): if self.agent_writer.started: self.agent_writer.stop() self.agent_writer.join(self.agent_writer.exit_timeout)
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals def _translate_to_datadog(self, spans): datadog_spans = [] for span in spans: trace_id, parent_id, span_id = _get_trace_ids(span) # datadog Span is initialized with a reference to the tracer which is # used to record the span when it is finished. We can skip ignore this # because we are not calling the finish method and explictly set the # duration. tracer = None # extract resource attributes to be used as tags as well as potential service name [ resource_tags, resource_service_name, ] = _extract_tags_from_resource(span.resource) datadog_span = DatadogSpan( tracer, _get_span_name(span), service=resource_service_name or self.service, resource=_get_resource(span), span_type=_get_span_type(span), trace_id=trace_id, span_id=span_id, parent_id=parent_id, ) datadog_span.start_ns = span.start_time datadog_span.duration_ns = span.end_time - span.start_time if not span.status.is_ok: datadog_span.error = 1 if span.status.description: exc_type, exc_val = _get_exc_info(span) # no mapping for error.stack since traceback not recorded datadog_span.set_tag("error.msg", exc_val) datadog_span.set_tag("error.type", exc_type) # combine resource attributes and span attributes, don't modify existing span attributes combined_span_tags = {} combined_span_tags.update(resource_tags) combined_span_tags.update(span.attributes) datadog_span.set_tags(combined_span_tags) # add configured env tag if self.env is not None: datadog_span.set_tag(ENV_KEY, self.env) # add configured application version tag to only root span if self.version is not None and parent_id == 0: datadog_span.set_tag(VERSION_KEY, self.version) # add configured global tags datadog_span.set_tags(self.tags) # add origin to root span origin = _get_origin(span) if origin and parent_id == 0: datadog_span.set_tag(DD_ORIGIN, origin) sampling_rate = _get_sampling_rate(span) if sampling_rate is not None: datadog_span.set_metric(SAMPLE_RATE_METRIC_KEY, sampling_rate) # span events and span links are not supported datadog_spans.append(datadog_span) return datadog_spans
def _get_trace_ids(span): """Extract tracer ids from span""" ctx = span.get_span_context() trace_id = ctx.trace_id span_id = ctx.span_id if isinstance(span.parent, trace_api.Span): parent_id = span.parent.get_span_context().span_id elif isinstance(span.parent, trace_api.SpanContext): parent_id = span.parent.span_id else: parent_id = 0 trace_id = _convert_trace_id_uint64(trace_id) return trace_id, parent_id, span_id def _convert_trace_id_uint64(otel_id): """Convert 128-bit int used for trace_id to 64-bit unsigned int""" return otel_id & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF def _get_span_name(span): """Get span name by using instrumentation and kind while backing off to """ instrumentation_name = ( if span.instrumentation_info else None ) span_kind_name = if span.kind else None name = ( "{}.{}".format(instrumentation_name, span_kind_name) if instrumentation_name and span_kind_name else ) return name def _get_resource(span): """Get resource name for span""" if "http.method" in span.attributes: route = span.attributes.get("http.route") return ( span.attributes["http.method"] + " " + route if route else span.attributes["http.method"] ) return def _get_span_type(span): """Get Datadog span type""" instrumentation_name = ( if span.instrumentation_info else None ) span_type = _INSTRUMENTATION_SPAN_TYPES.get(instrumentation_name) return span_type def _get_exc_info(span): """Parse span status description for exception type and value""" exc_type, exc_val = span.status.description.split(":", 1) return exc_type, exc_val.strip() def _get_origin(span): ctx = span.get_span_context() origin = ctx.trace_state.get(DD_ORIGIN) return origin def _get_sampling_rate(span): ctx = span.get_span_context() return ( span.sampler.rate if ctx.trace_flags.sampled and isinstance(span.sampler, sampling.TraceIdRatioBased) else None ) def _parse_tags_str(tags_str): """Parse a string of tags typically provided via environment variables. The expected string is of the form:: "key1:value1,key2:value2" :param tags_str: A string of the above form to parse tags from. :return: A dict containing the tags that were parsed. """ parsed_tags = {} if not tags_str: return parsed_tags for tag in tags_str.split(","): try: key, value = tag.split(":", 1) # Validate the tag if key == "" or value == "" or value.endswith(":"): raise ValueError except ValueError: logger.error( "Malformed tag in tag pair '%s' from tag string '%s'.", tag, tags_str, ) else: parsed_tags[key] = value return parsed_tags def _extract_tags_from_resource(resource): """Parse tags from resource.attributes, except which has special significance within datadog""" tags = {} service_name = None if not (resource and getattr(resource, "attributes", None)): return [tags, service_name] for attribute_key, attribute_value in resource.attributes.items(): if attribute_key == SERVICE_NAME_TAG: service_name = attribute_value else: tags[attribute_key] = attribute_value return [tags, service_name]